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Be a Stallholder



Food Stalls/Vans  |  Local Produce  |  Clothing  |  Handmade & Craft

The Tilba Festival is on! Join us on 13 July 2024 to celebrate our talented community and local heritage.

A link to the application form is provided below. Applications must be paid in full, and close at midnight, 16 June 2024.  You will be asked to provide various details about your product, publicity information, and to to upload a copy of your public liability insurance certificate of currency.

Note: Submitting an application, and/or payment of any applicable fees is NOT a guarantee of selection for the festival. 


Applicants will be advised about the success of their application by/before 21 June, at which time, the Tilba Festival will refund unsuccessful stallholder fees in full (less booking fees). 


Stall dimensions and costs - please note that powered site are very limited as Tilba is a heritage village with minimal options for additional power. If you require power to your stall, you must book a stall PLUS a 'power to site' ticket. 

  • 3m x 3m = $100 

  • 3m x 6m = $150 

  • 3m x 9m = $200 

  • Power to site = additional $75

Equipment - Stallholders must provide all their own equipment, shade/shelter, tables etc.

Power - Powered stall sites are very limited. Please book two tickets - your stall, PLUS, 'power to site' if you require power at your stall. 

Stallholders are asked to provide their own extension leads which are suitable for outdoor use and have been tested and tagged by an Electrician within the previous 12 months. You will also be asked to provide the electrical specifications/requirements of the equipment you intend to bring with you.


Stallholder operations - Stalls are required to operate from 9.30am to 4.00pm on the day of the Festival. Stalls can close earlier if they are out of stock, however, you will not be able to vacate the stall until bump out commences. The Tilba Festival is cashless; you're welcome to use cash at your discretion, however we encourage you to provide EFTPOS facilities to ensure all customers can purchase your product/s.

Bump in/out - Detailed bump in/out information (including maps, parking locations etc) will be provided to all participants closer to the date

Stall Placement

NOTE: Diagram below is indicative only. We cannot confirm placement until closer to the event but let us know if you would like to be in a particular location.

Stall Street Layouts 7 Feb.png


For more information or if you have any queries, please contact the Stalls Coordinator at

Get Social with us!  #visittilba
  • Tilba Trip Advisor
  • Visit Tilba Instagram
  • Visit Tilba Facebook

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we work and live, the Djiringanj people of the Yuin nation. We pay respect to Ancestors and Elders, past, present and future.

© 2024

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